Andromeda Build Guide - Page 5

Assembling the internals

  1. Connect the daughterboard cable into the USB daughterboard if not already connected together.
    Insert the daughterboard-cable assembly into the area shown, and screw it into place using the four short daughterboard screws.
    Note: Due to limitations of the 3D model, the cable will not be displayed in the step diagrams. Daughterboard location Daughterboard screws

  2. Prepare the prepared top-plate-PCB-switch assembly from the end of the previous page.
    Double-check that the temporary plate retention screws have been removed.
    Place the two case halves rear-to-rear. Case halves

  3. If you are planning on using the below-PCB foam layer, install it at this stage into the bottom case half.
    We recommend using it if you prefer a maximally muted/damped sound at the tradeoff of firmer typing feel; for a more expansive sound and/or softer typing feel, we recommend leaving it out.

  4. Connect the daughterboard cable into the main PCB.
    You may have to reposition the halves for the cable to reach safely; be careful not to dent the two case halves together to avoid damage. Daughterboard connection

  5. Flip the upper half right-side-up and close it onto the bottom case half. Take care to avoid straining the daughterboard cable as well as to avoid denting the two case halves together. Top install

  6. Install the case screws. Case screws

  7. Install the keycaps of your choice, connect to a computer, and verify that it works.

Congratulations! You have fully assembled the Andromeda.
Now you are ready for the keymap editing and final steps.

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