Lunar II Build Guide


Lunar II Build Guide - Page 2

Pre-build preparations

Before assembling the board, there are a few things to check.

  1. If not already done, double-check that all the contents of the package listed in part 1 are actually included in the box. It’s a nightmare if you get partway through the build and realize a part is missing.

  2. Plug in the PCB, and verify that it detects as a device. Make sure there are no broken-off components rattling around in the bag.

  3. Check for any major external flaws that would disqualify the board as an A-stock unit (if you have purchased a regular unit rather than B-stock).
    The above are important because replacement warranty of the board covers only units in unbuilt condition; if you spot any issues, please contact us for a replacement before building the board.

  4. In addition, test every single switch you are using for this build, and verify that they conduct if and only if pressed using a multimeter or similar.
    It is an absolute nightmare to have to desolder the entire board just to replace one faulty switch, and excess heat is known to damage these vintage switches.

Once all are checked and ready, it’s time to build.

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